Reposted from existential
Reposted from existential
i was 21 when i was 15 thats why everything boring now
trauma does this to people, it either makes them age faster, age slower, completely forget their age, or make them have multiple different identities with contrasting personalities.
Thankfully I've only purchased using verified online shops, but just in case i'll need to buy from someone directly on instagram and their bank account no is just right there, comes in pretty handy to verify their accounts
orang ngambek tidur kek, teriak2 kek, main game, makan, dengerin musik marah2, lah ini monyet ngambek malah meretelin atap gazebo
Sepeda listrik terbakar saat pengisian daya. Bagian terburuk dari baterai lithium yang terbakar adalah anda tidak dapat memadamkannya dengan air. Faktanya, lithium bereaksi hebat dengan air, jadi semakin banyak anda menambahkan air maka semakin kuat api akan menyala.
Hati² yang punya sepeda listrik yaa...terutama buat keluarga kita agar terhindar dari bahaya kebakaran seperti di atas....🙏🏻
Man this is some scary stuff. The battery's also made with lithium so pouring water on it made a worse reaction D:
Found on FB
Kalau di Indonesia ada Wedang Uwuh, di #Spanyol juga ada minuman hangat bernama Vino Caliente! Minuman yang terbuat dari anggurini cocok banget diminum saat cuaca dingin, bisa untuk menghangatkan badan loh!
Found these in Lawson (but y'all probably can find it in FamilyMart too, or wait till they hit the shelves of Indomaret & Alfamart). Personally I prefer the creamy rose flavor compared to the spicy sweet, cuz eventhough I love spicy the flavor doesnt hit right on my tongue.
Followed this FB/IG/Tiktok tutorial & made this when I was sick at home unable to go anywhere. i hope my baby cousin likes it
Made with Picrew. Edited some colors cuz the color choices arent enough.
Just wanted to bring up a good point from this guy regarding Nas Daily's recent videos while he was in Indonesia. Thousands of us were pissed at this Bali video (though some of his other videos are shedding a positive light on local heroes). All this, with saying Bali is the whitest place in Indo and how everything is cheaper there, it all sounds & feels like exploitation.