
Formerly Thatsridicarus on Soup. Still Thatsridicarus on Tumblr. WARNING: strongly contains Indonesian.

1015 posts 17 followers 5 following

Ive seen Twitter videos with dudes self-recording jacking off and ejaculating at random women on the streets unbeknownst to them. That act itself is already disgusting, let alone doing it in a holy place like a MOSQUE. Where your victims are PRAYING. 🤮

Source: https://tiktok.com/@pojoksatu.id/video/6969915682930609409?sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=6965288665421956610

pojoksatu.id on Tiktok (via Astrid.Damayanti)


Trying out a Panty And Stocking With Garterbelt style.

The shoulder strap thing & the self-unbuttoning button thing isn't just a busty girl's problem.