
Formerly Thatsridicarus on Soup. Still Thatsridicarus on Tumblr. WARNING: strongly contains Indonesian.

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The longer I read this comic the more things are off

Tits are tits.


“MaLe PeCs ArE DiFFerEnT thAn BoObs”


You can’t talk about titties and not mention this Prime pair of titties!


There is a manga where the boys wear bras because their titties are so big that they need to wear them (and also dress in the common female-gendered school uniform). Is amazing.


@xximbecile di apartemen ku 😭beda tower sih.
tp untung nya cepet tanggap ya 🙏 lgsg tau ad korban pembunuhan disitu. soalnya ga semua orang punya akses ke lantai seenaknya
Saya satu lantai mbak bederetan kamar 🙂🙂🙂

I'm sorry this is a crime scene & all but all I can think of is THIS


idk who they are but their grandma deserves a medal

a psa about “blobfish.”
on a related note, their real name is psychrolutes! the name “blobfish” is akin to if an alien were to name us “blobmen” after what we looked like after exploding in the vaccuum of space and then started sharing pictures of our corpses. let’s stop that

The Ostrich Effect


Pernah sengaja gamau nanya atau konfirmasi krn gamau denger jawabannya? Gamau liat hasil tes/laporan?

Kecenderungan menghindari informasi tertentu utk mencegah rasa ga nyaman/ga enak ini disebut The Ostrich Effect.

Baca sampai habis keterangan ini yaa: