
Formerly Thatsridicarus on Soup. Still Thatsridicarus on Tumblr. WARNING: strongly contains Indonesian.

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Ini dan banyak lagi bukti-bukti lain yang menunjukkan negara Asia Tenggara ini serumpun dan berkongsi pelbagai budaya dan adat resam yang hampir serupa. Bukan milik ekslusif satu negara sahaja.


Luckily, I watched CNA, a Singaporean broadcaster, on Youtube made documentary on this. And yeah, the oldest cendol in S'pore and Malaysia (Malaka) started in 20th century. And this S'pore broadcaster said it was immigrant from Java who introduced cendol and has been delicacy -in Java since i forgot, 17th-18th century? So, yeah, its once again originated from Java except you change the name


a few takeways from this video

1. The number of vehicles in Jakarta (23 mil) are almost twice the number of people who live in the city (11 mil)

2. being the center of several industrial towns (e.g. like Bekasi & Karawang), therefore being the center of pollutants (brought to the wind entering from other cities to Jakarta)

3. Jakarta isn't exactly the ideal town for its citizens as it has no room for them for self-improvement, neither does it has room for the development of the city.

4. The citizens really dgaf about dealing with pollution in the city & other problems; they dont feel like its their responsibility solely.

5. The people in charge don't think enough of the less privileged citizens and their situations before making decisions to relocate or change the structure of the city. Read More »

FLOATY oat pillow snacks

There's this snack called Floaty that's been going around shaking the Indonesian Twitter community. It's a normal human snack, the designers just added the AI cat for cuteness & designed it like *that*

Lah😭😭 aku ketipu FLOATY ini snack manusiaa tag kira makanan kucing😭 penasaran jdnya nnt coba beli lah🤣siapa yg uda nyobain

"Bruhh 😭😭 they had me good FLOATY this is a human snack I thought it was cat food I was curious so I got it 🤣 who else has tried?"

💚 cw // TikTok Kan apa gue bilang, bener aja masuk ke etalase makanan kucing.. lagian packagingnya ambigu 😭😭😭🫵🏻

"Toldja, they shoved it in the cat food aisle.. the packaging's ambiguous 😭😭😭🫵🏻"

floaty keknya cuma snack biasa, pakai branding kemasan gambar kucing biar orang penasaran. ternyata malah disangka makanan kucing 😹 apa pegawai tidak membaca dulu? haha Read More »