
Formerly Thatsridicarus on Soup. Still Thatsridicarus on Tumblr. WARNING: strongly contains Indonesian.

1012 posts 17 followers 5 following

tried Bing AI image generator for the first time

prompt: A park in the evening with a few benches and wavy roads, lots of trees around the grass area, everything is tinted greenish yellow and there are fallen leaves everywhere. There is hardly any people, maybe two or three people walking on opposite sides of the park, and one person sitting in a bench.
Also the last 2 is by PromeAI.


posts on CF

Camellia Kote:

Tergantung kapan rame kapan sepinya gambar anda, bisa dilihat alasan utama orang dateng melihat gbr anda. Bisa jadi karena karakternya, karena konteksnya, atau karena gbrnya.

Misal :
- Kalo gbr rame pas fandom tertentu tapi sepi pas oc, artinya orang2 datang karena fandomnya.
- Kalo gbr rame pas oc tapi sepi pas fanart, orang2 datang karena oc anda.
- Kalo gbr rame terus apapun itu, kemungkinan anda sudah punya audience yg memang suka gbr anda.

Ya intinya gbrlah macem2 biar nemu kecantolnya dimana, dan disitu naikin trafficnya. Hal gini bagus buat yg cuma hobi doang, Tapi bagi yg hidupnya dari komis karakter, utamanya tetep satu : Bikin orang mikir "Aku pengen lihat artist itu (anda) gambar karakter ini (bisa fanart tapi biasanya oc)"

Tiap orang punya ciri khas, dan dari ciri khas itu bakal muncul impresi/kesan, dan dari kesan itu biasanya yg mendorong orang untuk komis. Read More »

Laughing so hard rn because OP quote-tweeted this & people were angry saying Local58 came first, COMPLETELY missing the point that they're not claiming Indonesia started analog horror first (everyone knows the US made it a thing & Local58 came first) It's the fact that Americans use analog horror as a response to the devastating result of the election RIGHT AFTER Indonesians use analog horror as a response to the infuriating law passed by the government that puts us all in a disadvantage.


Ini dan banyak lagi bukti-bukti lain yang menunjukkan negara Asia Tenggara ini serumpun dan berkongsi pelbagai budaya dan adat resam yang hampir serupa. Bukan milik ekslusif satu negara sahaja.


Luckily, I watched CNA, a Singaporean broadcaster, on Youtube made documentary on this. And yeah, the oldest cendol in S'pore and Malaysia (Malaka) started in 20th century. And this S'pore broadcaster said it was immigrant from Java who introduced cendol and has been delicacy -in Java since i forgot, 17th-18th century? So, yeah, its once again originated from Java except you change the name