For now an official clarification has been stated by Okko, Aoka hasn't released any statements yet. Some of these are just speculations but if they do find harmful chemicals I hope they rebrand & sell again eventually.
(source: news Youtube channel)
Bikin sendiri lebih puas, isian toples yang gak bisa tahan lama, sebentar aja udah ludes
4 garlic cloves
5pc galangga
500ml water
500gr tapioca flour
1tsp salt
1tsp chicken stock
Chili oil:
4 garlic cloves
2pcs galangga
3tsp chili powder
20 orange leaves
hot cooking oil
🇦🇺 lets build barriers so people don't jump
🇺🇸 lets put nets up so people wont fall
🇮🇩 lets perform an exorcism to prevent people from offing themselves
One of these things is not like the others.
When you live in a place where criticizing your own country openly is prohibited so you find aliases for it but found out one of the aliases actually work as an acronym
Fr though, why do the girly girls get little to no boobs while the big ones go to the most masculine tomboys & butches & even trans men
Fellas does higher testosterone levels make your boobs bigger or something?
FOMO (fear of missing out)
JOMO (joy of missing out)
JOMOK (joy of menyepong kontol)
Kidal - Left-handed
Kinan - Right-handed
Kikan - Ambidextrous
source: Wikipedia on Twitter
Dulu pas kuliah gw simping banget sama koleksi lipbalm Nivea krn warna-warni tubesnya banyak bgt dan ada yang buah2an, sayang sih skrg Nivea is on the boycott list dan kita emang banyak lipbalm merk lokal yang bagus tapi masih blom tau yg sebanding Nivea yang mana aja.
the graphic designer knows exactly where to pose the pan and the red background
@drfirdaushafiz/post/C8lSXSjyHCh/?xmt=AQGzABArhC6_6-ptWZZu5P4hSrpLMVlwgGyPjtgd2csxpg" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source