
Formerly Thatsridicarus on Soup. Still Thatsridicarus on Tumblr. WARNING: strongly contains Indonesian.

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💭 Speechless banget ada psikopat yang m*tilasi istri sendiri katanya dapet bisikan ghaib biar jadi kaya raya 😭😭
Can you imagine how many “bisikan ghaib” cases in Indonesia that’s just undiagnosed schizophrenia

Gw pernah tanya ke dosen:

"Mba, kenapa fenomena kesurupan prevelant di Indonesia tapi gak di negara lain?"

Terus beliau jawab:

"kebanyakan itu kasus Schizophrenia yang gak di diagnosis"

Here's a heat map of Schizophrenia cases, Indonesia have a way higher rate than any other

For the record here's the video about the case about a man who mutilated his wife & people have been suspecting him of having schizophrenia

if you happened to have stumbled across this person's Soundcloud or Reddit, then you'll know exactly who I'm talking about.

also I'm deeply sorry for kinkshaming.

After their movie came out early this year I started checking their podcast & here's the intro song music video styled as a 90's karaoke vid

Also lol their fanbase name is Pasukan Bermarga (The Surname Squad) thats so cute. P.s. for anyone wondering Indonesians don't usually go with their surnames, and for those who do it's usually Bataknese people like these guys.